
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Food Tidings & A Giveaway!

I want to wrap up this (overly extended) little series on things related to cooking by chatting for a bit about a really helpful site and by launching Yay Home’s second giveaway.
I participate in a couple of groups consisting of some very helpful and generous ladies. When a person has a baby, an illness, surgery, or just any type of big life event going on, these ladies provide meals for the family in need for about two weeks! What a blessing that is!
However, the coordination/management end of things, as you might imagine, could get a little messy when there are dietary restrictions, food allergies, and specific preferences to consider. This is just one very positive benefit of using Food Tidings, a website that helps with the management aspects of providing meals to families for a set period of time.

When you set up an account, you will receive invitations sent by your group’s coordinator inviting you to sign up for a particular meal schedule. You are able to view the recipient’s address, food restrictions/preferences, time they’d like the meal delivered, dates they will receive the meals, and contact information. I personally love that you can also see what others have volunteered to bring, so you don’t end up bringing the same dish the family had the night before.
I hope you’ll find this site to be a super-useful management tool.
Now on to the giveaway!! Yay!!
You may recall that in my dishtowel post, I shared with you the stay-put dishtowel that is soooo handy to have particularly with a toddler around.

And if you’ve spent any time at all on Pinterest, then you’ve seen these super-cute, personalized, etched-glass casserole dishes.

I thought it was so neat that I made one for myself and one as a gift for a friend. I used the Don Juan font and my Cricut Create.

I had so much fun making these, that I’d like to make a set for one of you! Here’s what you’ll win:
-A stay-put dish towel AND a personalized, etched glass, casserole dish.

Two gifts for one lucky winner! What a great gift this would make for a newlywed or a friend who loves to cook…You could add a cookbook to it or pack of brownie mix to jazz it up even more! Here’s how you can win it (Three ways to enter):
- Become a follower of Yay Home and leave a comment saying you are.
- Mention this giveaway on Facebook, and leave a comment saying you did.
-Mention this giveaway on Twitter, and leave a comment saying you did.

This giveaway will end on Wednesday, September 14th at midnight Eastern time. I will select the winner using and will announce it Thursday morning, September 15, 2011 on Yay Home! Good luck!!


  1. I follow on GFC as choirlady27. Great giveaway!

  2. Thank you so much for spreading the word about Food Tidings! We're so glad you are finding it to be so helpful as you go about bringing meals to friends and family. If you ever have questions or ideas for us, let us know! Have a great day!

    Lisa Shepherd
    Co-Founder of Food Tidings

  3. I've loved that dishtowel since your post! It is just too cute! Thanks for the amazing giveaway <3 I follow your blog on GFC (mbrittany212) and on Facebook (Megan Brittany Gerth) and on twitter (xMeganBrittanyx) =P

  4. So happy to see you back. We have missed you!

  5. Wow, great giveaway! I'm hoping this will be the lucky winning entry because I'm behind the times and am not on fb or twitter! :)
    maryjowyse(at) Very cute prizes!
    PS: I'm a new follower!

  6. Mentioned on twitter!/sillymommy/status/114190121229758464


Thank you so much for visiting Yay Home! I love hearing from you and feel honored that you'd take the time to leave a comment. I hope you'll visit again soon! Yay Home!