
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Catching Up & Kid-friendly Omelets

Whoa! Has it been more than a month since my last post??? Time has flown by, and I apologize for the silence. When life gets super busy though, sometimes you have to take a break from the computer.

In the last couple of months we've dealt with our Sweetbaby climbing out of his crib and switching him to a toddler bed. He also started 2K which is some serious big-boy stuff. In addition to this I've been doing a ton of sewing. I taught my first ever class in my home. It was called, "Just Sew," and we made reversible half aprons. I've also been doing some "freelance" sewing for a local children's clothing business. We've had family birthdays, family baby showers, the premature arrival of my adorable nephew, OH, and a total bedroom makeover. Whew...I'm tired from just listing it all. It has been busy, but this is the good stuff you know??..The stuff that makes life fun.

Before my lengthy silence, I was in the middle of a cooking-themed series of posts. I'd like to wrap that up over the next day or so. I'd found several things I wanted to share, but since I'm ready to get back on my blogging track, I'll just shorten the list of topics a bit and then round it out with a giveaway.

This may be one you've heard of before or have tried before, but it was a new one on me. We had a ton of fun making these, and I was thinking that others may enjoy it as well because of its kid-friendly nature.

Omelets in a Bag!
Here's what you need:

  • 2 lg. eggs per person
  • quart-sized zipper freezer bags (1 per omelet)
  • shredded cheese
  • diced ham
  • diced onion
  • crumbled bacon
  • sliced mushrooms
  • diced tomato
(Obviously some of those things are optional depending on how you like your omelets made.)

I set up a table for Samuel to "help" me cook. I gave him cheese, spinach, and a bag (washed his hands) and told him to put those items into his ziploc. (This was BEFORE putting his eggs in, of course....) I left the room for a second and returned to find this.....He went and got his drill and chainsaw to assist with his cooking duties. Can you say ALL BOY??? He cracks me up....

Use a permanent marker to write each person's name on their bag. Crack two eggs into each bag. Close the bag, and shake/knead each bag to break the yolks and combine the eggs. (Actually I think we put everything in first and then did that step??) Add prepared items of your choice to the bag and shake to blend. Close the bags and remove the air this time.

Place the bags into a large pot of boiling water, and cook them for 13 minutes. Remove the bags from the water carefully. (Daddy's omelet had a LOT of extra ingredients in it, so we let his cook just a bit longer.)

Open the bag, and the omelet should slide out onto your plate.

Yummy, easy, and Samuel really enjoyed getting to help Mommy cook...power tools and all! =)

I missed my blogging time and my sweet readers. It's good to be back. I'll be linking up here:
HookingupwithHoH Somewhat Simple
Transformation Thursday



  1. What a great idea! I am still trying to catch up with my Thursday Blog Hop! Follow back @ and/or on facebook @

  2. I have never heard of this before. I love how he helped cook. I am a new follower from Fun For Kids Friday. Vicky @

  3. Hey there. I just stumbled upon this and am curious. Do you BPA free bags? If so, where did you find them? Great stuff here! :)

  4. Could you freeze these first and then cook them later?

  5. Could you freeze these first and then cook them later?

  6. Could you freeze these first and then cook them later?

  7. That's Brilliant. When there's a houseful of guests, you don't need a six-burner stove and an arsenal of pans, and no one has to wait at the end of a line. Brilliant !


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