
Monday, July 18, 2011

Yay Dish Towels

When I was looking for apron tutorials to make one for Samuel, I noticed there were many tutorials or examples of pretty dish towels out there too. I realize this doesn't make for the most interesting topic, but you have to keep in mind that these are the types of little touches I never paid much attention to back during my working days that I now notice.

The dish towels I came across ALSO gave me some good uses for some of that scrap fabric I keep accumulating as well as giving a second life to some flour sack towels I was given to use as burp cloths.

Here's another little hint as to why I'm bothering to blog about dish towels....Soon, one of my sweet followers will have a chance to win a stay-put dish towel along with a couple of other cute kitchen items as part of Yay Home's next giveaway. What is a stay-put dish towel? I'm so glad you asked...

When you have a toddler running around and grabbing everything within reach, your dish towels have a tendency to end up on the floor...down the hall....under the couch...You get the idea. This one, however, is holding its ground. Samuel has tried to yank it down a time or two to no avail. That's why it caught my eye when I saw it on Pinterest.

Here's the picture I stumbled across that will provide a link to the tutorial I followed. It's just a simple kitchen towel with some strips of fabric and ribbon sewn on. Easy as can be!

The next one is another type of towel that just looks so "summery" to me. I wish I could remember exactly where I saw this one because it was before my Pinterest days. It is even easier to make! I used a flour sack towel someone had given me to use as a burp cloth. It was stain-free and tucked away with the baby stuff. I also used more of the strips of fabric I used for the stay-put towel. Fabric scraps would also be great.

Anyway, I just sewed two strips down both sides of the towel. I left the ends unfinished so they would fray and give a homey-worn look. Isn't it lovely? (as far as dish towels are concerned ;-)

These fabric strips were part of a roll of strips I bought at JoAnn's. Love all these colors together!

Now that you're all inspired to CLEAN I mean make more dish towels. ;-) HERE are several more examples you could try. (I can't wait to try the bunting towel, the ribbon towel, and the design transfer towels. Any of these would not only add a nice personal touch to your kitchen, but they also make lovely gifts.

In a few days I will show you how I'm using this as part of a gift for Samuel's teachers this summer. (That will also kick off the giveaway!)

Still to come:

  • Summer Food for the Kiddos

  • Food Tidings

  • Another Yay Giveaway!

  • Yay Link Parties!


    The Girl Creative

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