
Friday, July 15, 2011

Pizza Club

Until a few months ago, I'd never heard of Pizza Club. I am a part of our local MOMS club though, and a relatively new member brought this idea with her when she joined our chapter. It is now one of my favorite events, so I agreed to host this month. Here's how it works...

The person hosting provides the dough, sauce, tin foil/saran wrap, and a big table. Everyone who attends brings their own pizza pan, cheese for their pizza, and one topping. An evite is sent out and when people reply they list what topping they'll be bringing. We have it around 4:00, and kids are welcome to come and play, make their own pizza etc.

Once you've assembled your pizza, you take it home and bake it for supper! It's a great way to get to visit with friends while your kids play AND you get a yummy supper out of the deal. Here are some pictures from this month's pizza club!

I ordered the balls of dough from a local pizza shop. They were about $1.50 each for a medium sized pizza crust.

I bought spaghetti sauce at Kroger and added some Italian Seasoning. You could also get fancy and make some from scratch using a recipe like {THIS}. I put it all in a big pot with a ladle for everyone to use and then placed it in the center of the table.

Here's a shot of the table once people had been working for a while...

We bake them at about 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes. We never have any leftovers because they are so delicious! Love all the fresh ingredients!
My Sister-in-law made this one. She did one side for herself and one side for her hubby.

The kiddos were busy in the playroom, but you can also set up a little table for the kids to make their own pizzas. Might want to have your Dustbuster handy if you choose to do that! =)


If you'd like to change it up a bit, consider GRILLING it like TidyMom did {HERE} or use BBQ sauce instead of pizza sauce and go for something like a BBQ chicken pizza following a recipe like {THIS} very amazing one from Pioneer Woman (she even makes her own dough!)

I hope you'll consider trying a pizza club with a group of friends or family! Let me know if you have any questions about it

Other Yay Cooking Topics:

Stay tuned!

Tidy Mom


Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

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