
Friday, June 10, 2011

Yay Vacation!

We have been busy bees around Yay Home for the past couple of days. I hosted a Tastefully Simple party last night, so there was a good Yay Home cleaning involved in preparation for that, and now we are packing, packing, and packing some more to head off on a long awaited vacation!

I'm soooo looking forward to the getaway, particularly for my hard-working husband and to observe Samuel as a curious, active, vacationing toddler. However, in order to get to all this goodness we must first deal with all our "stuff." If you're like me, then you drag your feet at this part. Typically, I get all stressed out, but I'm really trying a different approach this time. Instead of making a packing/vacation-type list, I decided to simply SEARCH for some online. Why reinvent the wheel, ya know? There are many, many types of lists to choose from...blank lists, prettily decorated lists, lists and forms you purchase on Etsy, and destination-specific lists.

Here are a few that I found and liked:

For Purchase:
I Heart Organizing has a stylishly personalized template. {HERE}
Clean Mama has lovely set of lists. {HERE}

Destination-Specific: Disney

Virtual Tourist has menu item on its sidebar called, "What To Pack," that is specific to the destination you choose.

Also, if you typically pack like THIS......

PB+stack+of+different+sized+vintage+suitcases+adds+character+to+the+landing.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos

{HERE} is a site totally devoted to helping you become a one-bag-only traveler.

I suppose there are as many lists available as there are places to visit out there, so save yourself some time and print a list that will simplify things for you when you're preparing for your next trip!

Bon Voyage!


  1. have a happy safe vacation,, love the suit cases,

  2. Enjoy your getaway!!!

    I am probably in the minority -- I tend to under-pack whenever I go somewhere and always wish I brought more! LOL

  3. Thank you! We are having a wonderful time. I wonder if anyone travels with suitcases like that anymore? I love the nostalgic look they have. So far we haven't found that we've forgotten anything super important. Have a great week!


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