
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Artistic Accent Wall

Recently we repainted the accent wall in our family room/play room and have been making subtle changes to things like the valances and throw pillows to blend in with the new color scheme.

I found this little chalkboard at a consignment sale for $4 and knew I wanted to hang it there for Samuel. I also LOVE children's art (especially our Sweetbaby's!) so I thought it might be nice to turn this wall into a "gallery" of sorts for his awesome artwork.

I had an idea of what I wanted, but I needed some visuals, sooooo I went to Pinterest. There were many wonderful possibilities, but this is the one I kept going back to. I think something like this will be perfect for our little artistic accent wall!

Now I'm off to find white frames (or to paint some we already have.) We're having some people over in a couple of days, so I'd really like to get this done PRONTO! Check back later to see how it all turned out!


  1. Now that you've posted, we're holding you accountable to get this done! It looks like a great idea. Have fun working on it and I'll check back to see the finished project. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oooh, I love this too. And, I love Pinterest. I'll have to find you and follow you on there. It's such a cool site. Also, I really like the name and look of your blog. very cute!

  3. Hi! I was able to round up quite a few unused frames and even got them spray painted. However, the framing of the artwork will have to wait until we get back from our trip. Do check back though for a part 2 on this post, and thank you for stopping by Yay Home!


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