
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Online Bible Study

I got this invitation today and wanted to share it with you. I love receiving the Proverbs 31 daily devotional emails, so I'm sure this will be just as lovely. A while back I subscribed to a little series of emails made up of excerpts from this book, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. I know I am my own worst critic and this book takes those kinds of thoughts and puts them into a spiritual perspective.
Looking forward to it!
Proverbs 31 Ministries

Join our next P31 Online Bible Study

A Confident Heart

How to Stop Doubting Yourself
& Live in the Security of God's Promises
A Confident Heart
Beginning September 18th

About Melissa Taylor's Online Study

Melissa Taylor
Melissa Taylor
This FREE Online Bible Study includes weekly teaching, chapter discussions, prayer support and on-going conversations about the book on Melissa's blog and Melissa Taylor's Online Bible Studies Facebook page.
An optional 4-part Conference Call series is available as well, and you dont want to miss it! Each call includes an inspiring message, interviews and Q&As with special guests including: Renee Swope, P31 radio co-host and author of A Confident Heart, Sheri Rose Shepherd, author of His Princess and His Princess Warrior, and more guests to be announced soon!
Bible Study InformationSign up for the Bible 

About the book: A Confident Heart

Watch Renee's Book Trailer here
Click here to watch the book trailer


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