
Monday, July 4, 2011

Hoo Are You?

Yay Home's First ....


1. How did you spend the 4th of July?
We spent the weekend boating at the lake with friends and family. Great times!
2. What was a couple of your favorite things you ate for the 4th of July?
DELICIOUS homemade peach ice cream!! YUM! I loved the hamburgers and hotdogs we grilled too.
3. Did you watch fireworks?
Nope...Sweetbaby goes to bed too early, but we sure heard them.
4. What is your favorite firework?
I like the ones that make shapes and the ones that sparkle as they fall.
5. How hot was it where you were for the 4th? and humid...mid 90's.

Thanks for visiting Yay Home!

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