
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yay Garden

We returned home safely following our lovely vacation. It was such fun, but we're always really happy to get back to the comforts of our own Yay Home! As we were putting things away we noticed we were being greeted by these little guys who were not there when we left!

These are little red and green pepper seedlings that I planted a while back when they were mere seeds. I know it may seem like no big deal to the experienced gardener, but let me give you some background....

Usually this is what happens...poor muscadine vine :-(

Sooo, I adopted this method of decorating with flowers....yep, fake ones. No green thumb needed. However.....

This spring I found myself wanting to try gardening again, particularly since I now have my trusty and ever-so-cute gardening assistant, Samuel. He's VERY helpful...gets water all over the place and all over himself. He also loves any and all things related to lawnmowers.

With all this great help, I simply HAD to get to planting. Right before Samuel's second birthday we did some work to the house and yard. We planted a butterfly bush, some climbing vines, and some amarylis bulbs. They all did so well that I thought I'd test my new green thumb with vegetables next!

My father-in-law gave me some tomato plants to try...

For Mother's Day the Hubster took Sweetbaby with him to go get a big truckload of dirt. The two of them worked really hard building me my first above-ground garden. They painted the stair rail (because I'd been wanting that done for quite some time) got me some cute gardening gloves, and even picked out seeds for the veggies they liked. It was a super-sweet gift.

I'm thinking of getting some garden decor to pretty up the area a little more...maybe a small statue, sundial, etc....maybe paint the boards surrounding the garden. hmmm....

The one on the right wasn't doing so well, so he's already been moved.

Cucumbers and carrots are on their way....

I also can't get over how much these climbing vines have grown since I planted them!

I hope you'll return to Yay Home to see what kind of "harvest" I end up with. We were talking just yesterday about how we look forward to having a salad made from our own veggies! Can't wait, and I'm keeping my fingers (or green thumbs?) crossed!

Yay Link Parties:

[Outdoor Wednesday logo[4].png]



  1. Wow! Your farm fresh veggies look so tempting! Loved the little gardener trying to help you with the garden chores. Cute!

  2. Oh my goodness your son just stole the show! He is just adorable and reminds me of my own son at that age. :-) Your garden is just fantastic and we are so thrilled that you came over and joined our Blogger Block Party!

  3. The pictures of your son are so precious!
    I love the veggies too.



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