
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yay Garden Gets A Visitor

I think Yay Garden really appreciated the little bit of rain we got the other day because when we got home this evening, guess what I saw?

Yay Tomato! The first one!

I look forward to showing my "gardening assistant," my two-year-old son, that his hard work is paying off.

That wasn't all we noticed when we got home this evening. It appears that Yay Garden had a visitor, and we saw him just as he was hopping away.

I don't want Bugs Bunny, here, getting into our veggies, but I must admit I get a kick out of seeing a rabbit in our yard because we live in the city with neighbors close by. I guess he just knows good produce when he sees it! ;-)


  1. Awww I love bunnies but I hate them in my garden! New follower from the Say Hi Sunday blog hop :).

  2. Nice tomato, I don't think I have any tomatoes on my plants yet but you picture gives me hope.
    New follower from the Follow me chickadee
    hop. Hope you follow back.

  3. Thanks for joining my newbie party. Cute little visitor you have there LOL.


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