
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Yay For The Blog Guidebook!

Have you HEARD? The Blog Guidebook is turning ONE! In honor of this special milestone they are having a fabulous birthday celebration of giveaways, 30 DAYS of them as a matter of fact, and we LOVE those, right?! Here's how you can get in on the action:

It's all in the details!

Enter "comment enabled" giveaways, by leaving a comment under the individual item you would like to win. You may enter as many separate applicable giveaways as you would like. You will be eligible to win all items that you comment on.Contact information must be somewhere in your comment form.
To enter to win any of the Busy Bee giveaways, click HERE to go to the Linky and follow the instructions. You won't be able to choose which you win. We will select a winner from the entire linky list each day there is a Busy Bee giveaway scheduled. You will be eligible to win only those items that do not have comments enabled with this method. These posts are delineated by the bee symbol:
Also, if you haven't already done so, make SURE you register your own awesome blog in the guidebook. Your first listing is FREE, and there are several other ways to generate blog traffic from their site. Click the link BEElow to get your own wonderful blog listed in The Guidebook....OH, and don't forget to enter for the giveaways! Happy Birthday to THE BLOG GUIDEBOOK!!!! Thanks for what you do!!!

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