
Sunday, May 8, 2011

For This Child I Prayed

I featured this book on Mother's Day. Have you heard of it?
Linking up to:

On Sundays I'd like to offer something that has been inspirational to me. It may be religious or simply something encouraging, but I hope it brings you joy and adds a smile to your face!

This book has absolutely beautiful prayers that you can pray for children. There are places in each prayer to insert children's names. This book is beautifully illustrated and would make an ideal gift for new parents...or any parent for that matter. It would also be a lovely asset to your own devotional time. I enjoy praying these special prayers for Samuel and also find them to be very relevant to the topics we discuss during my Bible study group for Moms. May this be a blessing to you and your children!

You can order a copy of this precious book {HERE} :-)

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